Design2net - Tu solución para desarrollos web, comercio electrónico y soluciones móviles (E-Business & Web Development) Call Us Today! 787-620-5597 | Web-Mail | Versión Español
Web Solutions (Web-Development) Mobile Application Development Products (CMS, Encuestas e Itinerarios) Clients Contact Us

In Design2net we create precise, efficient, and secure web solutions....

Our team has over 15 years of experience developing and providing consulting services for Internet and Intranet applications...

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About Design2net
Web Solutions
Mobile Solutions
We know what works and what does not. Since 1999 we have facilitated web solutions for pharmaceutical companies, banks, organizations, the education sector, the agriculture industry, the food industry, the private sector, travel agencies, and advertising agencies, among many others. Some of our specialized web developments include:
  • Remote payment & collection systems integrated to existing accounting platforms; including mobile platforms.

  • System for the management and quality control of products; including mobile platform.

  • Systems for the statistical management and tracking in Press, Radio, TV, and Social Networks.

  • “Mystery Shopping" Surveys, statistical systems for merchandising and survey systems analysis in general.

  • System for the management, follow up and publication of editorial content for authors and editors.

  • Intranet systems for pharmaceutical companies, banks and other companies.

  • Credit applications and online service requests for banks and other institutions.

  • Follow up systems for resources assignments and schedules.

  • Reserve systems for hostels and travel agencies.

  • Newspapers sales systems and online content in PDA format with cryptography and user’s automatic licensing.

  • Smart portals linked to databases systems and online content management.

Questions? Would you like to learn more about the benefits of online services? Visit our FAQ section to answer these questions and many others.

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