D-SurVey is an application developed by Design2net that allows the development and tabulation of surveys over the Internet. The results are immediately available and presented in a user friendly graphical interface. Once the user has completed the survey online, both the user and the surveyor can access the individualized and/or the accumulated results at once.
D-Survey is very flexible and allows you to create:
- Unlimited surveys
- Unlimited number of questions
- Unlimited number of users
- Unlimited number of surveyors
With D-SurVey you can:
- Assign access codes and passwords to surveyors
- Duplicate previous surveys
- Decide which questions are required
- Validate specific entry formats as: phone, email, dates and many others
- Export results to a spread sheet like Microsoft Excel
- View results instantly presented in statistical graphs
- View results by individual or by group
The survey questions can be organized by sections and allow multiple types of entries like:
- Open text answers (One Line)
- Open text answers (Multiple Lines)
- Options (Choose One)
- Options (Choose Multiple)
- "Drop-down" (Select One)
- Range Scale (1-5)
D-Survey also allows you to choose from pre-populated "Drop Downs" from pre-populated "Drop Downs" lists for the US and Puerto Rico.
For more information call us at 787-620-5597 or email us at: info@design2net.com |